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Neue Album - Wolperting
An auditory experience that sparks joy.
≫ Dort, wo nichts war, ist jetzt Musik. ≪
An auditory experience that sparks joy...
“Creativity, spontaneity and joy is high on the members of the brass-band ensemble Federspiel’s list of priorities. In 2005 seven young musicians, all students of the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna or rather Konservatorium Vienna, joined together to form the ensemble Federspiel. Folk music from Austria, neighbouring countries and beyond is the starting point for their concerts. The musicians work on the melodies, improvise over them and let them sound new in their very specific tone – always with a splash of humor and self-irony.” (A. Wolowiec)
The group Federspiel was founded 2004 in Krems at the Danube. Crucial impulses came from Rudi Pietsch, who rehearsed from the beginning, especially arranged, for the cast, original folk music. Federspiels particular style is defined by the origins and backgrounds of each individual musician and creates the unique sound of the band. Due to this part of Federspiel`s music are therefore self-penned compositions with pop-elements as well as arrangements of traditional Mexican music or the zither as a solo instrument. Therefore their type or genre of music doesn’t exist as they are unable to be placed within the parameters of existing genres like “folk”, “world”, “traditional” music. So the style of the Ensembles is described best by it’s own name: Federspiel (feather game ).
(Cooperation with "diverted music" )
Tel +43 664 385 9369
Frédéric Alvarado-Dupuy: Cl, Vo
Simon Zöchbauer: Tr, F.Hn, Zi, Vo
Philip Haas: Tr, F.Hn, Vo
Ayac Jimenez-Salvador: Tr, F.Hn, Vo
Thomas Winalek: Tb, BTr, Vo
Matthias Werner: Tb, Vo
Roland Eitzinger: Tub, Vo
In October 2018 was released their fifth album "Wolperting" at col legno. In autumn 2019, they released their sixth album for the Christmas program "Von der langsamen Zeit".
Programs : "Wolperting" - current program | "Von der langsamen Zeit" - Christmas program | "Best of" | "Creating symphonic worlds" - Federspiel & Symphonieorchester | "Federspielchen" - Kids program (3-10) | Workshops
So much inspiration, humor, sensitivity and free flowing energy you rarely find on stage, especially with brass bands. (…) It’s tender, touching, full of power, playful and sad, everything you could imagine!!! It electrifies you and is there anything better than to forget everything around you and just be in the moment! World class!!!
Whether a band captivates and inspires, you can find out by the audience‘s movements at the side. And nobody moved! Every single person listened with fascination. There was this feeling as if the surrounding houses of Sebalder Platz were transforming into mountains! Wonderful!
Oh god … (…) Federspiel approaches tradition and this problem of tradition from all sides - geographically and stylistically. In the context of the differing cultures of France, the Balkans and Latin America, with Mariachi, Kolo and other pieces that can't be easily located – in this seemingly global context - we find our...【NEXT】
... native (Austrian) music challenged and stimulated. All is possible, it fits, and even more, it fizzes with diversity. It’s the solid sound of the brass instruments that seems to put it all into a perfect context. (…) musicians who played downright technically terrifyingly well and whose art isn't only expressed in virtuous over-the-top arrangements. Amongst them is Federspiel. (…)
(…) Played with great passion and much enjoyment playing old traditional forms and used to completely leave behind stylistic borders. For “Federspiel” there are no dogmatic bottlenecks and no creative fear of the new. Mariachi, Mazurka, military marches, Csárdás, Volksweise folk dance melding with intriguing brass arrangements and sounds,...【NEXT】
... that will still shine bright in twenty, thirty years, just as it does today. (…) Seldom if ever brass-music came across so elegantly, easygoing and tolerant as on this CD. Master class.
Concert tours bring the ensemble to many European countries, Scandinavia, USA, and Canada at many of the world’s most renowned Festivals as well as concert halls such as the opening of Vienna Festival, Carinthian Summer Music Festival, The Woodstock Brass Music, Grafenegg Summer concert series, Konzerthaus Vienna, Musikverein Vienna, Brucknerhaus Linz, Treibhaus Innsbruck, WOMAD Festival (UK), Alpentöne (CH), Davos Festival & Kongresszentrum (CH), KKL Luzern (CH), Theater casino Zug (CH), Internationales Donaufest Ulm (DE), TFF Rudolstadt (DE), the Prince Regent Theatre, Munich (DE), Philharmonie Berlin (DE), EXPO Milano (IT), Runkelsteiner Klangfeste (IT), Suoni delle Dolomiti (IT), Valley of Arts Festival (HU), WOMEX Showcase (HU), Palace of Arts Budapest (HU), Gooikoorts Festival (BE), Førde Festival (NOR), Kaustinen Festival (FIN), G-Festival (Färöer-Inseln / DK)
BBC radio 3 recorded the complete FEDERSPIEL- showcase concert at WOMEX 2015 and broadcast 20 mins plus interview to finish their two hour special WOMEX edition on “World on 3” (October 2015), Latest TV-appearance on Austrian SERVUS TV “Pixners BACKstage” (October 2015), WDR/ Live radio broadcastof their appearance at TFF Rudolstadt (Germany), Ö1 / ORF Klassiktreffpunkt 2014, Portrait of the group on 3-Sat at the broadcast "Kulturzeit" (November 2015), FEDERSPIEL-Report on ORF at the broadcast “Kulturmontag”(Februar 2016), Wiener Festwochen (Vienna Festival) opening consert Live on ORF and 3-Sat, Multiple appearances on Austrian and Bavarian TV and radio (ORF, BR, Servus TV)